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I’ve been having a difficult time accessing my inner Pollyanna these last few weeks, and all my usual tricks to make myself feel better – exercise, gardening, cooking, home projects – aren’t having their desired effect, so here is a little something I saw over at my friend Kelli’s to help me through.

Reasons I feel grateful today:

1. My cute partner in crime pictured above.  I love him and our life together more than words can say.

2. Also, to toot my own horn – I’m pretty fond of the composition of the above photo – the reflection in the mirror and the window are soo good lookin’ (a little Seinfeld never hurts either).

3. I’ve almost made up my mind about all of these candidates, and there is less than a month left of television ads.  Yippee!

4. Not-so-guilty pleasure – I got Sex and the City: The Movie on DVD!  Maybe I should put some new batteries in the remote, because, gentle readers, I’m going to be pressing the pause button a-plenty analyzing all those wardrobe changes.

5. Time with good friends – Nia with Mara, movies with Bridget, and long phone conversations with Sarah, not to mention the upcoming Bunco night with the whole posse!

6.  The rain is back and my grass is turning green again…

Ahh, that helped!

Have you ever played Jenga?  Just in case you haven’t, it’s the game that starts out as an orderly stack of wooden blocks that is eventually turned into a leaning tower of Pisa by the careful reordering of the pieces before crashing loudly down to the ground.  My desk looked like the aftermath of the crash until about ten minutes ago.

Only it wasn’t just neat pieces of pine.  I had stacks of paper, tags, receipts, books, magazines, catalogs, fabric, jewelry, and a digital timer piled in that relatively small space next to my laptop – a veritable wonder of physics, I tell ya.  It’s one of those things that drives me absolutely nutty, turning me into a three year old in dire need of a nap.  I am crazy tired and know I should go to bed,  but I’m seriously putting my foot down because there are so many other fun things to do!

It’s silly.  I also know that it is quite avoidable.  If I took that extra moment longer to put something away, I wouldn’t have any mess in the first place, yet I still don’t do it and then want to tear my hair out when it looks so disastrous – sometimes!  See that?  I was getting a little gloomy there but decided to use my dime store word and presto change-o!  I feel so much better.

My desk surely does as well, now that it can actually see its surroundings – like the nice lamp and all the fun objects on the bulletin board.  Yep, I can hear it singing – “I feel pretty, oh so pretty, I feel pretty, and witty, and bright!”

Hooray for little cleaning frenzies!

The pen is mightier than the sword, so they say.  But that mightiness, when one thinks about it, has very little to do with the pen.  Words are the real source of the power.  Though many of them look rather pedestrian, when brought together with skill, they can topple even the most worthy opponent, win the heart of a beloved, or make a Madeleine jump off the page and into the mouth of the reader.

Think of the first potent word most of us learn, two simple letters, placed side by side.  N-O.  No.  A small utterance.  It doesn’t look like much, but it speaks volumes.   We hear it and are brought to attention.

Another powerful word discovered early in life is mine.  Though we are tiny when we come to know it, it gives us our first taste of wealth and power.  This teddy bear is mine.  Those blocks?  Mine! These dolls?  All mine, mine, mine! So exciting!

Until recently, I had thought I’d reached a sort of plateau with words.  Even when I learned a new one (coming soon – to this very post!), the excitement wore off rather quickly.  Ho hum, yes, another word.  I’ll put it in the files, find a good use for it, and be off on my merry way.

Well, gentle readers, imagine my surprise when I started using an old and somewhat faded word to dizzying effects, lightening the burden of some very cumbersome thoughts.  Sound the trumpets because here it comes!

** Sometimes **

Sometimes?  Really?  Yes, really.  Look:

I abhor the solipsistic (the new, dollar word) nature of my blog – sometimes.

I am terribly lazy – sometimes.

The world is an awful place – sometimes.

Election coverage is so annoying – sometimes.

I am so negative – sometimes.

Ahhh, it just feels better, doesn’t it?  Thanks to my not-so-new, favorite, dime-store word, I am turning frowns upside down, am less quick to anger and frustration, and generally happier – most of the time.  Try it, and see if it doesn’t work for you, too.

This is a combination of tags I’ve seen and received.  Enjoy, and play along, if you like…

Places I Go Over and Over

1. New Seasons Market

2. The Woodstock Library

3. East Portland Community Center – Nia class, yeah!

My Last Three Purchases

1. A very cool vintage wool coat (in bright orange) from Xtabay on Clinton.  Bridget – you’re going to love it!

2. Ingredients for baked beans – yummy to the tummy.

3. This book– beautiful and inspirational

Places I Love to Eat

1. The Savoy – deep fried cheese curds, chicken, roasted green beans, and mushrooms, delicious!

2. ChaBa Thai – Som Tum salad and Chicken Pad Kee Mao – the best in Portland.

3. Stickers – Scallion cake, Kung Pao Chicken, and Bulgogi Beef

4. La Buca – Caesar salad and the Abituale (number nine…number nine……number nine…)

5. La Choza (in Santa Fe) – anything on the menu, seriously.

Dream Dinner Guests

1. George Clooney – cute, smart, funny, cares about the world

2. Napoleon Bonaparte – brilliant and a little bit nuts

3. Mark Twain – quick witted, worldly, and an awfully good writer

4. Katharine Hepburn – she wore PANTS!

A Few Places I’d love to Travel

1. India – Kerala, Agra, Dehli, oh jeez, the whole shebang.

2. Cambodia – Angor Wat

3. Tennessee – Graceland, Nashville, those pretty hills

4. Pennsylvania  – The Amish and Fred Rogers (well, at least the old neighborhood)


1. Cooking without a recipe

2. The vault of song lyrics contained in my head

3. Home Decorating

Television Shows I Like

1. Bones

2. Pushing Daisies

3. Lost

Big Accomplishments Yet to Happen – Soon, Soon…

1. Successful novelist

2. Greater ease and flexibility of body, mind, and spirit – a yogi, of sorts.

Top Ten

The other day, I mentioned how cleaning bugs out of ceiling fixtures was not on my top ten list of things to do, which got me wondering what really is on that list.  Here, with very little fanfare, is the run down.  I have not put them into a numerical order because, fussy girl that I am, it really depends on the day. 

* Spending time with my dear, sweet husband.

* Reading – books, magazines, blogs, newspapers, the occasional cereal box.

* Writing – my book, this blog, a note to a loved one, I like that creative time in my head.

* Watching movies – though I am fussy, only liking Colleen-style good movies like Drugstore Cowboy, The Natural, Amelie, and more!

* Spending time with friends, family, and the kitty cats

* Exploring – my neighborhood, Portland, the glorious U.S.A., the world.  The picture is from last summer’s adventure at the Hameau le Roux in Lussan, France.

* Home keeping – I like it clean, tidy, and good looking!

* Cooking and Eating – sorry, a tie.  If I cook it, I want to eat it!  Me want food!

* Learning – I am curious as all get out and love, love, love to keep my brain energized.

* Exercising – Yoga, rowing, Nia, walking, biking, the eight minute variety…

What is on your list?

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