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The volunteer hollyhock is over SIX feet tall!

The spent hollyhock flowers make faces at us. Boo!

Native bee house, with at least 30 tubes filled with eggs for next year. Woot!

Also, I don’t recall if I’ve ever shown the shed before. It came with the house, and had a rather ugly peachy-beige paint. We used all of the salvageable boards from the original and very much falling down fence to spruce it up. I love it!

morning shade


happy dog…

Volunteer penstemon!


 yellow harmony dianthus

first crocosmia blossoms


Before my Grandpa died, he insisted that we take all of the potentilla bordering his back porch. Rather sadly, this is the only one that survived the move and the severe storms of the past couple of years. The whole of last year, it had ONE green twig. Even though some critter has munched on it, you can imagine my delight that it’s got more green branches than I can count and is blooming! Way to go, Grandpa!


red hot poker

With the red birds in a tree, crocosmia, and the poker ramping up, our garden is zooming with hummingbirds!

My favorite person had a birthday. I made his favorite chocolate cake, of course!

Our cousin, fellow D & D party member, and all around wonderful person, Cori (and her family) helped us celebrate.


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Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky.

Rabindrath Tagore



Simplicity, patience, compassion.
These three are your greatest treasures.
Simple in actions and thoughts, you return to the source of being.
Patient with both friends and enemies,
you accord with the way things are.
Compassionate toward yourself,
you reconcile all beings in the world.

Lao Tzu



There are so many fragile things, after all. People break so easily, and so do dreams and hearts.

Neil Gaiman


Kindle the candle of intellect in your heart and hasten with it to the world of brightness.

Nasir-i Khusraw

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