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Loved Faces

His. Of course.

Andie. With whom I care not one whit if I look like a dork.

Ann. My first best friend.

Tyler. My nephew.

Our parents.

His. Again. Of course.

Michael & Mary. Blurry, closed-eye happiness.

Rena & Jeff

Karanjit & Mandeep. Makers of our favorite Portland Indian cuisine. We miss them.

Daddy. Happy Birthday!!


Because a “friend” in high school forced me into bathroom with him and told me, “You know you want it.”

Because straight men find it offensive to be objectified by gay men but see no problem doing the same to women.

Because, while standing in a crosswalk, a man leaned out his car window to squeeze my breast.

Because, when the hubster and I were approached by a homeless man begging change, and I answered no first, the man said, “NO bitch, it’s the man who decides!”

Because male “friends” in college heard a woman being raped and did NOTHING.

Because, while walking home, a man leaned over on his bicycle to grope me.

Because, while reading a book on a park bench, I was told, “You wouldn’t be here if you didn’t want to get picked up.”

Because, after calling the cops on a guy for beating a woman, he did not apologize to her, but said, “Haven’t you ever been frustrated?”

Because, while standing on a crowded bus, a man fondled me and shoved his hard penis against me.

Because the number of U.S. troops killed in Afghanistan and Iraq: 6,614. Number of women, in the same period, killed as the result of domestic violence in the US: 11,766. Source: Soraya Chemaly

Because, in a court of law, women have to prove they weren’t asking for it.

So, YES ALL WOMEN, including me.


Hey Brother!


A big ol’ post, just because.

I am a super sucker for the bucket drummers and always tip generously. They work so hard, even in the rain!

The blue is sky.

At Memorial Coliseum to watch the Winterhawks win! There were a ridiculous amount of fights, r i d i c u l o u s. The first occurred a mere 1:20 into the game, sheesh. Give me a good check against the boards any day, but I cannot abide a fist fight, no siree. The little ones were four – six years old, and so sweet to watch. I was happy to see a girl amongst them!

On a related note, the hubster and I were laughing at all things Colleen. She likes watching hockey, tennis, and wild birds but never football or basketball. Give her beautiful architecture or good music of any variety and she is happy. Petite and smiling, but physically and emotionally stronger than she appears. She likes to garden, paint, draw, write, take pictures, and dance like a crazy person. She often quotes Seinfeld, obscure fil-ums, and song lyrics. She is kind and generous, a good baker and cook. A nutter butter in a nice package and wrathful when appropriate. Be kind to her.

Hey brother!

That’s Chris, son number one and child number three in the Sohn line-up. He was visiting for a long weekend.

We walked and talked and admired stained glass and water. This is at Mount Tabor.

Walk number two took us downtown, with the requisite stop at Powell’s, of course; Cacao, for the hubster and his mad love for all things chocolate; and Grassa, where yummy fresh pasta and the best fritto misto rule the land. Yup, yup. Oh, and the bike is where the Zoobombers converge.

Walk number three was over six miles! Our bunch is strong of leg and constitution! The camellias and witch hazel are in bloom! Look up to find art!

Chris and Colleen sporting spectacular spectacles.

And, finally, Jen LaRoche, one of the finest massage therapists, ever! I have been meaning to tell you about her for ages. She’s been soothing my aching limbs (and spirit) for a few years now, and in the most spectacularly kind and thorough fashion. I am a big fan of deep tissue and Thai massage, and Jen really is the best of the best. She bends and folds me like a pretzel, and I giggle with delight. I kid you not. If ever you need a massage, do yourself a favor and give Jen at Satya a try!

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