My Poetry

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Zing and fling

Muffle and kerfuffle

words that rhyme.

The repetition

dulling bright intellects

in leaden precious pockets.

This redundancy

this mindless work

a steady stream of liquid pink on crisp paper

scallop after scallop

sharp scissors

and glue:


flaxen sunlight on pale winter skin

before an eager tearing of envelopes

a melting of veins


spirits rising over hill and dale

and vast landscapes,

miles and feet between.

Strangers, friends, and lovers uniting

in a gleeful tangle

of mirth

made by one

but for us all.

Art & Letters is a collaboration:

Art by Maren Jensen

Interpreted by Colleen Sohn

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Twenty-one years since our first date.

Crossing a threshold, more years together than not.

We talk and dream and laugh

and sometimes cry.

We ache and burn and soothe.

We hear though sometimes we do not listen

and want to throttle and curse

and laugh again.

We shower one another with kisses

and words whispered in lust

and LOVE

and hearts full

of everything and everyone we’ve ever been,




Like flowers next to a stone wall,

early are the blooms.

The sweetness a reminder

that everything will warm

and turn

and scent our lives

for the better,

however fleeting

the moment.

Colleen Sohn


I believe in all that is luxe

and cities kitted out in their holiday best.

I believe

in luminous goodness

concealed in darkness,

in the impossible made true,

in old friends,

in pride whipping the sky,

and quiet roars

wrapped in moonlight.

I believe

in this home away from home,

made carefully by hand,

a place worthy of reflecting,

and spying what is ahead

the unexpected curves

and sights unseen

shared with love.

I believe in the power of music

to rock

and love

then and now

in utero,

life, and death.

I believe

the truth

is out there

and in here

and that great light


those who share it

by sea,

land, and air.

Come with me

to the place we all share

be yourself,

and stay.




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The Fine Print

You stop in your tracks,

Thinking you know me.

I do not have another half.

No soul mirrors mine.

I have scratched and clawed and bitten for this tenuous grasp.

I cannot let it go.

Your confidence.

Your smile.

The way laughter spills easily from your mouth.

How did you arrive at that place?

No border

Nor barrier

Pulpy heart beating for all to see.

If I remove this thin veil,

My nakedness will show

And perhaps that I am a fool

And lived my days


For the me I’ve only just discovered in you.


Art & Letters is a collaboration:

Water color by Maren Jensen

Interpreted by Colleen Sohn


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