Love is never a fulfillment. Life is never a thing of continuous bliss. There is no paradise. Fight and laugh and feel bitter and feel bliss: and fight again. Fight, fight. That is life.
D.H. Lawrence
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Love is never a fulfillment. Life is never a thing of continuous bliss. There is no paradise. Fight and laugh and feel bitter and feel bliss: and fight again. Fight, fight. That is life.
D.H. Lawrence
Tags: New Mexico, Quoting
Just yesterday, I found my Great Grandma Maria Donaciana’s baptismal record from this very church! She was born in Des Montes, Arroyo Hondo on June 10th 1852. Another Gemini!
Another trip to New Mexico, and in the exact spot where we want to live, north of Taos, in Arroyo Seco, land of hippies, farmers, and vacation rentals galore. Taos Ski Resort is a quick drive from here, not that I have a single plan to ski again. But the detail is important, as it makes real estate a might expensive. We’ve been saving our hearts out and praying even harder for a cash boon, so we’ll just have to see how soon we get there!
Sadly, the pandemic kept us in quarantine from our favorite places, and we spent not one dime in the area, bringing all of our food and necessities. Never fear, the view, each other’s company, and long walks along sleepy roads kept us happy.
Tags: New Mexico
Isn’t fascinating how stripping an image of its color reveals the essence? The soul? A secret springs forth, a wrinkle, a knoll.
I read once that a person can see a dog running away for three days in New Mexico. The views are so long. Look for it now. It’s there for you to see.
Tags: New Mexico
On our first road trip, twenty-eight years ago, we came to Taos, enjoying the scent of earth and sage, the look of adobe, mesas, and mountains, our newly in love eyes sharing the mutual feast of New Mexico. I love how, after all these years, it continues to inspire, delight, and restore, a mirror of our own love.
And for a bit of a change (the photos after LAFYOGI), we took a route untraveled, winding east along 64 to Cimarron. We enjoyed a good snoop and delicious lunch (fish & chips and smothered bison burger) at the St. James Hotel (a place famous for ghosts and gangsters and history) before another beautiful drive home, some of it during a massive and much needed rain fall.
Tags: New Mexico, Traveling
Hi there! Way back in January, when the global pandemic was not even an inkling of a possibility in my mind, I laid plans for another birthday celebration in Taos. As the day grew closer, Greg and I fretted over whether or not we should go, not wanting to be at risk or put others in harm’s way with our travel. I am pleased to report all went smoothly, distances were kept, and masks were worn in all the appropriate places – by us and others. Best of all, the trip soothed like a balm.
A highlight – we made all of our meals in our rental’s kitchen, stocking up at our favorite grocer and bringing much of our own fare from home, which is a long prelude to this bit of excitement: I smoked trout! It was fabulous with salad and purple potatoes and as delightful as store bought at a fraction of the price. Toot, toot, toot the horns of glee!
Tags: New Mexico