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First off, how does anyone not love a place this handsome? I mean, seriously, Portland, you are dapper AND nearly equidistant from mountain and sea!

Second, bridges! I love bridges, and Portland’s got them in spades (with another on the way, I might add), including my all-time favorite, the Saint John’s. Oh my dear, what a beauty you are.

Third, Portlanders are pretty cool. We care. We are creative and have fantastic art and music venues. We read a LOT, with the greatest number of books circulated for a city our size. We are open minded enough to elect an openly-gay mayor and smart enough to take him to task over some less than brilliant behavior, and, in my case, almost wish he was running again.

Fourth, we’re quite green. We have the urban growth boundary to keep sprawl in check. We like alternative energy sources, wind and biomass anyone? We drive (very politely, I might add) hybrid and straight-up electric cars, share cars, and ride bicycles everywhere and have a counter to keep track of the legions crossing the Hawthorne Bridge (the hubster has a knack for being a number ending in 74: 1974, 1774, hmm…). We reduce, reuse, and recycle like the dickens, even things like yard debris, kitchen scraps (however smelly), and motor oil, right at the curb! Because whether or not global warming is real, wasting resources is d-u-m-b.

Fifth, we are crazy about food and beverages! We care about the quality and the people who bring it all to us. We are vegans, omnivores, and uber-carnivores. We love LOCAL! We make cheese, pickles, sausage, whiskey, wine, beer, cider, and so much more. Being good stewards of the land and treating animals kindly, even if their ultimate end is on our dinner plate, is important. We also like food carts and have literally hundreds of them, with fabulous chocolate caramel potato chip cupcakes, Korean tacos (as yummy as they look), and beyond delicious gentle man-made crackers with artisan salami and cheese.

Sixth, we’re a little wacky. You can wait with your lover (hair resembling a My Little Pony doll) in a long line to buy a doughnut where, “The Magic is in the Hole.” It might be in the shape of a penis! Or, as is my favorite, the Grape Ape, be sprinkled with grape dust. We have Zoobombers (probably not what you think) and naked bike rides, the Portland Urban Iditarod, the Adult Soapbox Derby, and many, many tattoos (though the hubster and I remain hold-outs). I once saw a guy riding a unicycle dressed as Uncle Sam. He bowed before opening the door for me at Fred Meyer. So gallant!

On the downside, at least for me, we have miles of unimproved roads, lots of pot holes, and under funded schools, but damn it, don’t you dare think about raising taxes on our beyond amazing local micro-brews. We have strip clubs and creepy massage parlors and prostitutes galore! We still shoot unarmed black folks in distress. We beat gay men for holding hands.

The long and short of it? We are beautiful, brilliant, and flawed. Oh, and wet! Did you know that it rains in Portland? Yup, something like 38 inches a year, though not at the moment. The sun is shining!

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First of Fall

This was Saturday, the first of fall, the crispness requiring sweaters and long pants. We drove up to Multnomah Falls Lodge and had breakfast, early in the hush of morning. There was trout and eggs and huckleberry pancakes on dogwood rimmed plates. It was dreamy and lovely and a little silly, too. A fine start to the season and the day.

p.s. The hubster, when he looked at the post last night, said, incredulous at the beauty, “We live here!”


This that is ancient and changed

boulders vanishing

washed and washed

to nothing.

Hermits en masse


supporting legions.

Bird without a feather

stones that cling to life

bodies without souls.



borrowed and used



Cradled in icy violence

to thrive.

She & Him


washed and washed

into the groove of another


smooth and yielding.

Eyes of sky

flaxen hair

hands that twine

soulful bodies.



shared and cherished

together still.

Cradled in sanctity

to thrive.

Like the sea.

Colleen Sohn

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This is the light of morning, after an early rise Wednesday, thirsty after a late night date with Carson Daly. It was a good show that one, with music from The Naked and Famous, “Punching in a Dream” and “Young Blood,” and a beyond beautiful looking movie from director Benh Zeitlin called Beasts of the Southern Wild (review here). The fil-um is in the queue and the sounds are on the hi-fi. Sho-nuff and many thanks, Mr. Daly.

It was the first warm day for what seemed like ages, dry and sunny, and I wore a dress and sandals, no cardigan required. Hello summer, I’m so glad you could join us.

I drove downtown to pick up the hubster from work, and we headed northwest to Cafe Nell. All the windows were open, happily wrapping us in the breeze. I hit the jackpot with their drink called the Williamsburg – whiskey and absinthe, big and strong like ox! It’s a good thing I was not driving home because I couldn’t even finish one. I told you – I am a cheap date.

We ate delicious food worthy of kings: clams and frites! asparagus! trout! spring pea risotto!

A molten lava cake!

Just look at that spoon, eager to dive back in.

We also very much enjoyed the company of our servers, a whole host of handsome fellas in Levi’s, save the one black sheep with a brand I didn’t know, whose pillow perm was a perfect match to his sweet smile. We talked of music, being the black sheep (I am old hat at that), art, writing, and stylish spectacles. A very fine evening.

Here’s hoping the weekend, yours and mine, is equally grand…

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Last Saturday I got a bee in my bonnet to do something different. I am this way, craving variety and adventure, that gotta get outta the house feeling. Oh, and it better be fun! A long walk, a bicycle ride, a new restaurant, an art show, or in this case, roller skating. It had been at least ten years since we last partook in this activity, with a slew of super fun people when I was in AmeriCorps. Did you know that about me? I don’t recall if I’ve ever written about it. I did home repairs for low income seniors and disabled people at a super cool non-profit that we still support, REACH Community Development. It mostly meant painting, but I also built porches, installed handrails, fixed plumbing and gutters, among other things. It was interesting work with equally interesting people. I would not do it again. Writing is my game, and I’m happy to know it.

So, we went and had a blast. It was a virtual love-fest, I tell you. Everyone was so nice and happy and having just as much fun as we were, which was an awful lot. It was a diverse crowd: young, old, all shapes and sizes and backgrounds. So many good skaters, too! They had moooves, if you know what I mean. Quite in contrast, we did not, but that certainly made us no less enthusiastic, even when I fell on my ass on my very last lap. The very last! My tail bone is a might sore, but it was worth it. Yes, indeedy.



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