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Before fear, I rode headlong into life,

Full of joy and wonder,

Summer blonde hair whipping wildly in the breeze.

Before fear, my feet were bare,

Burning on the hot summer pavement,

Brown with dirt and sun.

Before fear, I leaped and jumped,

Legs straining, stretching to make my mark,

With vitality and energy.

Before fear, my laughter was everywhere,

Ringing in the air,

Singing in my heart.

Before fear, I was always myself,

Not wondering who or what to be.

What will this crowd think of me?

Before fear, I did not think of it,

I just was,

Every moment of every day.

Now as I return, I move with hope as I pray.

Colleen Sohn




Colleen is a nut

Stuck in a rut?

Willing to say tut-tut

Oh and but

She shall not shut

Herself in a hut…














Red Door

Where do you lead?

To the hills of my ancestors or brave new territory?

Alluring and powerful

I cannot decide

What if I am not ready for the journey?

Bound by a million tides within

Each taking a different direction

Each terrifying with the possibility of a thrill

If only I’d try

Am I lost?

Or am I just beyond the threshold

Waiting for me?



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