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It’s a rather happy and chill Sunday, my favorite “soft” Radiohead tunes playin’ on the hi-fi, singing, typing, the hubster working next to me, the cats on their respective cushions. We’re all fine here; how are you? Even a little nod to Han Solo. Indeedy.

So, photos. I’m a little snapper, like Pecker, maybe, but not quite. John Waters is an odd bird. I’m doing our weekend back to front, Memento style, maybe, with less confusion, at least I hope.

First, two minutes ago. The office/yoga studio, though you’ll see below that I am not afraid to bust a move in the kitchen. You’ll also see that we need to remove some bolts from shelves long gone and get a new layer of paint on the walls. No worries though, we’re on the fifty year plan. Chipping away.

That’s a Checker hood emblem, a 1978 to be precise. The owner of said automobile came out for a chat, hollering “Yoo-hoo!” after I snapped my photo. I don’t know which was better, spotting the car or having someone holler yoo-hoo like it was the Fifties. I told you it was an awesome day.

We saw this magnolia a few blocks before the Checker, and it wrapped us up in its scent, happy as Christmas.

Moss grows everywhere in these parts, everywhere.

Just in case you need a direction.

Or to feel safe. I’ve got you covered.

Our walk brought us here, two hungry bellies to magnetic north.

It’s a fine place to find yourself on a Sunday afternoon.

Right after you’ve gone bowling.

Or taken flight.

Or heard some siren song.

After an old school fill-up.

It’s all about balance, after all.

And not kicking the dishwasher.

While protecting your bacon from predators.

After a fine evening with friends and their adorable children, epic eating and catching up on the little bits that make a life.

And mixing their chalk art with ours.

Sitting in the warmth of the sun, listening to birdsong and a purring cat.


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Last Saturday I got a bee in my bonnet to do something different. I am this way, craving variety and adventure, that gotta get outta the house feeling. Oh, and it better be fun! A long walk, a bicycle ride, a new restaurant, an art show, or in this case, roller skating. It had been at least ten years since we last partook in this activity, with a slew of super fun people when I was in AmeriCorps. Did you know that about me? I don’t recall if I’ve ever written about it. I did home repairs for low income seniors and disabled people at a super cool non-profit that we still support, REACH Community Development. It mostly meant painting, but I also built porches, installed handrails, fixed plumbing and gutters, among other things. It was interesting work with equally interesting people. I would not do it again. Writing is my game, and I’m happy to know it.

So, we went and had a blast. It was a virtual love-fest, I tell you. Everyone was so nice and happy and having just as much fun as we were, which was an awful lot. It was a diverse crowd: young, old, all shapes and sizes and backgrounds. So many good skaters, too! They had moooves, if you know what I mean. Quite in contrast, we did not, but that certainly made us no less enthusiastic, even when I fell on my ass on my very last lap. The very last! My tail bone is a might sore, but it was worth it. Yes, indeedy.



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The life of a writer is hardly glamorous. I spend the majority of my time home and mostly alone, wrapped in sweatpants and down vests.

Which is kind of silly, considering what a chatterbox and clotheshorse I can be. But, despite my gregarious nature and a sincere love for garments of all varieties, I most definitely prefer this existence to any other.

“I am a loner, a rebel, Dottie,” and someone who inserts song lyrics and lines from movies as seamlessly as if they were from my own little head. That there being from Pee Wee’s Big Adventure. Insert his adorable chuckle here.

That being said, a critical part of my mental health is actually exiting the mind bubble and the house, wearing fancy duds (or just real pants), speaking words aloud, and meeting strangers eye to eye.

So, off I went.

 Luckily, I chose a glorious Portland day and found inspiration in the form of signs.

Golly gee whillakers, there are more than enough to shake a stick at.

All kinds of cool things on offer.

Houses, movies, meats, cheeses, and coffee, oh my!

And music, too, hard to go wrong there.

Or perhaps you’d like a slice of coffee cake with a side of tempeh bacon?

I chose Evoe, which completely lacks a sign, but has a monster chalk board.

Lest I exit too far into the real world, I read while savoring one of my favorite sandwiches in the world.

The Gallego, mi amor.

Now I am home again, jiggity jig!


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Don’t Look

It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.

Henry David Thoreau


C-O-L-A cola.

What is neon?


Holman’s, I do not dare.

Unseen smut.

Brrr…it’s cold.  Portland cold, anyway, with frozen birdbaths and hoary frosted crispy lawns that look pretty in the morning light.  Slippery, too, though, so please mind your step.

I took these with Lori last night, a blogger’s delight photo shoot with our respective families in tow.  We were all happily full of pasta and tiramisu, but never of the company.  It’s fun when we are together, sharing salt shakers with a cool young person (oh my dear, what to call you?) and also laughing at how much we require.  To my slight worry and surely to my Dad’s delight, I fully embraced the sodium!

As for the group, we chatted, laughed, and planned our futures, lamenting undone work of all varieties and broken Jesus candles while cheering exciting vacations and getaways.  It’s marvelous to have friends.

So, I guess the pall over my mood has fully lifted.  Life is good, gentle readers, indeed.

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