The most common form of despair is not being who you are.
Soren Kierkegaard
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In your hands
The dog, the donkey, surely they know
They are alive.
Who would argue otherwise?
But now, after years of consideration,
I am getting beyond that.
What about the sunflowers? What about
The tulips, and the pines?
Listen, all you have to do is start and
There’ll be no stopping.
What about mountains? What about water
Slipping over rocks?
And speaking of stones, what about
The little ones you can
Hold in your hands, their heartbeats
So secret, so hidden it may take years
Before, finally, you hear them?
Mary Oliver
We grew the sunflowers!
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Love is a well from which we can drink only as much as we have put in, and the stars that shine from it are only our eyes looking in.
Happy Birthday, America!
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The secret is balance: instead of doing everything faster, do everything at the right speed. Sometimes fast. Sometimes slow. Sometimes in between.
Carl Honore
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